
Home For Dinner

Give a Feeling of Home with One Meal

One meal. By providing just one meal to our families, you’ve given one of the best feelings during difficult times – a feeling of home.

Home for Dinner

Create a casserole supper, cook on our gas grill, order in a pizza or prepare a breakfast, stew, soup, or chili. Our Home for Dinner program relies on the generosity of community organizations to provide a meal for our families once a month.

Home for Dinner is a flexible program: Donors are welcome to prepare a meal for our House volunteers to set up and serve that evening or they can come in and prepare a meal to be frozen and used in the future.

Click here to learn more about participating in our Home for Dinner Meal program!

Thank you to our local organizations and individuals who already make Home for Dinner a success:

Sign up to learn more about a
Home for Dinner meal


Food Safety

The safety, health, and wellbeing of House guests have always been our highest priorities. To ensure Ronald McDonald Houses around the world are consistent with their food safety provisions, Ronald McDonald House Charities Global Office has updated its food safety standards. Due to these changes, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Marshfield has instituted the following guidelines:

  • We no longer accept donations of foods prepared or cooked off-site by a volunteer or other groups or individuals (this includes baked goods, casseroles, etc.). Volunteers are welcome to prepare meals in our kitchen if they would like to donate.
  • Food prepared at a licensed retail food establishment can only be accepted for donation if it has been protected from contamination and has been delivered directly from the licensed establishment within a short period of time.
  • Only packaged foods purchased from retail grocery stores in unopened and original containers or whole fruits or vegetables can be accepted for donation.
Guest Chef FAQs
Guest Chef Guidelines
Guest Chef Menu Ideas

The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation and its affiliates; McDonald’s, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ronald McDonald House Charities Logo, RMHC, Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Room, and Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.

RMHC is recognized as a public charity under Internal Revenue Code section 509(a) and has 501(c)(3) status. Donations to RMHC are deductible. Donors should consult their tax advisor for questions regarding deductibility. The RMHC EIN is 93-0833012. A copy of the RMHC determination letter is available upon request.